Every thing in life is trying to reach, the dreams of everyone is different, but absolutely everyone is in need of money and wish for their lucky, well, at least a little bit! For a long time, people have had to resort to the help of a mysterious rites, plots, drawing in his life, financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are always interested in the mystical and attempt all the same remedy to their situation. Especially popular among the "faithful" are a sort of things, for example, of the amulets on the chance and the money.
What are the amulets can attract wealth and good fortune

Every thing in life is trying to reach, the dreams of everyone is different, but absolutely everyone is in need of money and wish for their lucky, well, at least a little bit! For a long time, people have had to resort to the help of a mysterious rites, plots, drawing in his life, financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are always interested in the mystical and attempt all the same remedy to their situation. Especially popular among the "faithful" are a sort of things, for example, of the amulets on the chance and the money.
What kind of things are not only need it, you can see them and pop stars, leaders, modern, artists, members of parliament. Humanity in all times interested in the possibility of obtaining the most money possible and besides, amulets help a lot!
Swept away by a different story of the people, it can be noted that the amulets of wealth is present in all, only the appearance of the product differently. Are manufactured from a different material: wood, leather, wire, beads, stones, shells and other things with magical properties.
It is believed that, for the amulet on the wealth really "worked", it must be created by the hands of the great magician, a sorcerer, a man endowed with some supernatural powers. However, if you make a similar trifle themselves with their own hands, fully believing his force, the financial well-being will be possible to correct in a few months.
What are the amulets on the luck and wealth
To understand what are the amulets on the chance, it is necessary to have an idea of what that might mean. Under the concept of the amulet, agreed to understand a subject endowed with a force of attraction (repulsion). Look at the product can be at once prepared, can be anything, the key for the man perceived bagatelle fetish correctly and then, his energy will be programmed on the achievement of the desired results.
The ticket of any value
Many make the amulet to attract money from ordinary bank notes, coins. To do this, the ticket will put their signature, the winding-up and stow away in a hiding place of the stock exchange. As soon as you receive a benefit, all Designata of law to withdraw, and to thank him, rather the reverse. The coins percent, making them a hole, and on the value chain worn on the neck, put in a hand bag.
Red fabric or threadTo fill the role of the amulet of the can normal flap of red fabric. A small piece of cut and carry in a hand bag. Wool red wire, wrap it around the left wrist, are not take off.
All of this seems to be a lot a child game, and they turn to the acquisition of the amulet to the witches, who, during the creation of the thing about perform above a certain ritual to it brought money and success. Thus, you can buy imperial or combined amulet, well you can do, and himself.Imperial amulet
If you want to you are income to all debts, yes as quickly as possible, the financial, the chance was always there, the money flowed freely, and in the careers of the fortunate, you need to buy or make imperial amulet of luck.
Taking a beautiful coin, at the full moon above it are the rite. It begins with the lighting of the candles of the church, which is installed on the table, the master of the future of the amulet, must take a coin in hand, to examine carefully and imagine how he will be rich and beautiful to live, how the rest of the career, will always be lucky. Now, you must show the coin to the Moon.
Taking a small piece of red cloth, put a coin, and show through the window the Moon, the money must fall on the radius heaven of the bible. Recite: "we Ask God and the Universe send us to success and wealth". The fabric around the piece of currency of the liquidation, do not touch the hands, and the night, the fall in the head, under the pillow. The next day, remove the product, place him with the piece of cloth in the portfolio, away from prying eyes.
Ordynsky amuletIn order to attract the wealth and monetary wealth, wear with a ordynsky of the amulet. Make confused amulet simply carry it in your purse, pocket, secretly, of all the world. On the street, you need to pick up a coin of any value, it has sent you the destiny. As soon as the Moon begins to grow, in the first Wednesday of this period, you need to light three candles from the church and placing them on the table, forming candles in a sort of triangle, sitting on a chair, read the conspiracy:
- Money, a will take, I have in hand. As she is only with me now, servant of God (name), then, with me, a comfort is unbeatable. Coin of my call of the other, the wealth will attract, will be the result. Live now, I have wealth, yes wealth.
By reading a spell, you must be in the hands of rotate a coin found by imagining that soon you will become rich. Having finished reading the words, coin tied by a thin rope, forming a cross, recite:
- ADFIGO, attract money.
The ends of the rope cannot be cut, their annealing to the flame of a candle. The coin-amulet, put precisely in the center of a triangle of candles, leaving the night, goes to sleep. In the morning, so that nobody noticed, of money, kidnap a little more deeply in the purse and never had anyone say, it protects from prying eyes.
How to make an amulet of luck with their hands

In order to make the amulet, money, luck, fulfillment of desires of his own hands, so that you can take to do this, the current of the water (on the river) that you like a stone. Specially go and look for something unnecessary. Peter, you should see a chance, from the river entirely for a different purpose. Rinse the find in the same river and bring it back to the house.
At the full moon under a lit candle to draw on the rock of the coin, the dollar, about this amulet can fulfill your every desires, that is to say, if you have always dreamed of car – draw, and the luck will smile on you very soon, you will have to drive his car! After, the amulet is wrapped in a red cloth, hidden somewhere far away. If the stone is small enough, carry it in your purse, a great subject, longer hide away in the wardrobe, for that no have not found.
How to attract good luck
The fortune smiles to those who are still at the door of a small red cloth, a pouch into which is stored the leaf, rosemary, bay leaf, cloves, peppermint, fennel, if the leaves dry, put a pinch of house spice. For the amulet worked in the right direction, it is made only on the full moon night in the candlelight, reading on top of him, "our Father..." three times.
The amulet should take advantage of lunar energy, that's why every full moon, it is time to put them on the ledge of the window, in the morning again to hide in a secluded place before the new moon.