The people at all times believed in a great support of the external forces that we can obtain with the help of various amulets.
With the positive energy amulets are able to attract in the life of a man, the luck and the fortune, of which he has long dreamed of. Spells, you can not only buy in shops, but make their hands.
Characteristics of the mascots, made their own hands

The amulet is a magical object, which will have a certain force. For the amulet really was accomplishing its objectives, its owner, it is important to believe in such magic. In the contrary case, the amulet will be just a useless ornament, and not more.
Each talisman bears in itself a specific objective to bring in the man's life, luck, health, money, love, etc, the More force produced, have created their own hands and not bought in the store. This is explained by the fact that the process of creation of the amulet of the man in full, gives him his positive energy, aimed at their own well-being. Also, the animals manufacture of mascot for the family and loved ones. It is important to give the amulet that the man has done only with good thoughts.
Manufacture at the house of the mascot is simple enough. The main thing — to find all of the necessary wealth of materials and patience. Make an amulet, you can wood, stone, fabrics and other materials. It is important during the creation of the mascot of believe in their ability, in this case it will act with the most success in the service of his master.
There are many different options of talismans, created on the chance. The most popular are the amulets attract good luck and wealth.
These newspapers are the most sought after by the modern people.
During the creation of mascots, his hands, it is important to take into account a number of conditions, compliance with which will help maximize the effectiveness of the product:
- The mascot will be to act in a positive way that if the owner trust in the magical properties of the products.
- It is better to create an amulet to midnight. Created by the light of the moon, the mascots are gifted especially strong magical energy that enters into them with the light of the moon.
- It is important to make the mascot of these materials, which is the soul of its owner. The amulet should cause positive emotions of their appearance.
- During the creation of the amulets, it is desirable to take into account your zodiac sign. Each sign corresponds to a specific color, that is the most favourable to the representatives of this sign.
- Do not speak on my amulet and the present. Also, it is strictly forbidden to give to hold to the outside. All of these actions and lead to the spread of other people of their power on the talisman and the degradation of its magical properties.
Amulets to attract good luck
There are the following options amulets on the chance that you can easily do with their hands.
The stone source

You must find out regard to the source of the source to pick up a small stone. On the surface of the stone you need to draw a picture, incorporating an existing desire. This may be the purchase of an apartment, a machine, a trip to the sea, etc
After this, peter clamped firmly in his fist, and bypass with a source in the counter-clockwise three times. All the time it is important to focus on his desire and the demand for that good luck has favored the realization of this goal. After the third stone circle, and plays the role of the amulet, it must be re-run in the fountain and go home.
Braid wire
This amulet is best done in the days of the full moon, on the crescent of the moon. For its creation, it will be necessary to the filament in three colors: red, blue, and green.
The red color in this case, embodies the force of desire, blue — guarantee of its execution, and the green — the perspective of the reception of the wealth. Of the three sons have to prepare a small pigtail and attach its ends by a result, and eventually proved to be a bracelet. The bracelet should dress on the ankle of the foot.
During the braiding, it is important to think about his desire and focus on the application of the higher forces that they were attracted to the chance to the execution of this desire. It is recommended to put a picture in the mind, appropriate to the performance of the desire (for example, to make the arrival in the new house when the dreams of the new house).
If you are submitting an image is not obtained, the animals simply speak the desire out loud in the process of braiding mats. When the product is ready, it tied around the ankle of the left leg. It is important to wear an amulet permanently, do not take off. Remove the talisman, you can only after the desire to do well. The amulet is required after the use of burning, sending mentally recognition of the higher forces of assistance to the implementation of its plan.
The mascot of cardboard
It is necessary to take a dense sheet of cardboard and a pen light with a high color. The board, it is recommended to choose the color of gold, because this color symbolizes good luck. At midnight, you have to sit down and draw a handle on the carton of the special character — pentacle. It is the image of a special character, within which is located the wheel of fortune. This image is intended for the realization of desires and attract good luck.
It is believed that the pentacle is a magnet that attracts the life of the man the chance. Examples of images пентакля you can watch online. During the creation of the image on the cardboard, you must pronounce mentally the following text: "the Amulet will help me to achieve what I want." After the completion of the picture, the conclude in the circle of the symmetrical shape. The circle carefully cut out. In order to increase the power of magic created the amulet, you can soak the circle of cardboard in the wax of the candle. The candle should be lit immediately before the creation of the amulet.
After completion of all the steps of holding an amulet in the hands and the mind to ask the help of the higher forces, responsible for attracting good luck. This will help you to recharge the mascot needed a positive energy that will subsequently work for the master of the amulet.
Amulets to attract money
The ideas that you can use when creating amulets to attract wealth.
Money bag

For a start, you should prepare a small bag for the money. It can be made from a large piece of white cloth. Finished off the bag, you must sprinkle them with holy water three times and whisper the text of the "our Father". Then, you need to cook for a few coins. They can be any value. The key to the parts as possible and filled their bag was enough увесистым. Each piece you must перекрестить, sprinkle it with holy water.
After this, the parts are arranged on a flat surface (it should not be on the table) and alternately approaching the person. Each time pronounced the following text: "the Copeck to copeck, rouble the rouble, to the court." After I placed the text on each piece, all the parts are crammed in the bag. The bag is placed at the closing of the place from prying eyes. A person only needs to know the existence of juju and his place of residence.
Cash cap
For the manufacture of this amulet will need a pen (ballpoint pen, гелиевая, feather), a ticket of any value. Of silver are rolled in a tube to match the diameter of the circumference of the handle. Twist the bank-note, you need the eagle inside. Received a tube fix with adhesive tape. In this form, the ticket will act as a cap on the pen. After each use of the handle of the destination, you must dress up on this "cash" of the cap.
Good luck in financial affairs will come to the owner of such a mascot immediately. It is important to note that the total length of the amulet (handle to put on it a cache) must correspond to the fourth imperial size.
The bank note
This amulet is the most popular and long-proven. All that is necessary for its creation is a large monetary bill. More of the nominal value of bank notes, the higher the income, she will attract. Therefore, when you choose the tickets of low self-esteem as a trade currency it is important to understand that the level of luck in financial affairs will be quite low.
Established by the ticket must be not a chance monetary sign, and acting as a means of payment, which is returned to his master, the success of the circumstances. For example, the money could be handed to a person close to, obtained as a result of winning the lottery or earned as a first profit in the new company, etc, Similar to the positive aspect of the reception of this post will greatly improve his magical abilities. The banknote should be placed in a stand-alone office portfolio, in which it is not directly in contact with others located in the circulation of money.
This ticket will always be stored in its division and not to the exit, drawing them to the owner of the portfolio's financial luck and wealth. It is important to note that putting a ticket in your hand bag, you must at the crescent Moon.
Elena: Used as an amulet of luck a braid of wires of the three colors. Then before me, it was the objective of the protection degree, and I drew your chance for a good protection. I think, my amulet help me to believe in their strength.
Vladimir: for many years, door of himself in the exchange of a thousand, which lies in a pocket and I have never not used. Apparently, this really works, because finance I have always.