From the most ancient times, humanity has created a different kind of artifact, designed to be worn on the body and to ward off misfortune or bring good luck. Today, we call these things talisman or an amulet. But they differ from each other, and what is the guardian? What are they? Is it possible to wear both the cross and the amulet, or more magical things? On all of these issues and a few others, we respond in this article.
What kinds of amulets and talismans are and how to wear them?

Let's start with the most important - with the definitions. Often, the words talisman, amulet and the guardian regard as synonymous, but this is the wrong approach. The shades of meaning here is quite important.
So, the mascot - a magical object whose function is to attract the desired forces of situations. Therefore, the mascot can be used to attract luck, love, improve the financial well-being, attractiveness and so on. In terms of games of +10 to charisma, +100 to health. Therefore, we can say that Pushkin in their chains, Guard me, my talisman, a gift of meaning in favour of the rhyme and the size.
How to wear the talisman: since the function of protection of the mascot generally is not responsible, its best to hide it from prying eyes, to wear close to the body or simply to have on oneself, wrapped in cloth. But each pet must be examined separately, often talismans contain elements of the amulet, that is to say, the protection, which we describe below. For example, the image of the cross, the solar energy characters, the pentagram as a part or base of the mascot of the to protect against negative attention. The stone-talisman, you can also wear on the head, because natural minerals have a natural protection. Similarly, in the case of the ring-mascot - ring at the base of its has the hoop, the circle, the guardian, the symbol of the wheel of life. And the mascot of the pin better pinned on to clothes to not be seen.
The amulet (from the latin amulētum) - magical object designed to reduce or divert support of adverse effects of factors and forces. The amulet can protect them in a way, preserved from the corruption and the evil eye. It can also bring good luck. But the difference is that the mascot is like a magnet for luck, in the pulling, and the amulet prevents something happened, this will break your plans. Therefore, the result may be the same, but on the mechanics of the process will be different.
How to wear an amulet: because it fulfils a protective function, does not have much value if it is visible to others. It can be worn discreetly (for example, christian cross in its title is already a clue, where is the place of this, in effect, the amulet on the body). You can put on and show, over-the-clothes. This can be a ring, earrings, suspension - these are often worn on the red thread on the wrist as a bracelet. In fact, the red wire can also be an amulet.
The word talisman comes from the verb Russian protect, and his appointment is similar to appointment of the amulet. It protects against the evil eye, negativity and evil. However, the guardian may be not only personal object in a portable on the body or on your self. The guardian can be used for the protection of the home, car, or other property, and position, respectively, to the door of the kitchen in the house, or hung under the mirror in the car (a doll of magic, a bag, etc). Also the function apotropaic can perform is not a separate topic, and, for example, the embroidery on clothing - remember the clothes worn by the ancient slavs, where each element has its own meaning and destination.
How to wear a talisman: primarily, amulets of those who has a personal character, and does not belong to the house, put on the screen, in a visible place. In the traditional culture, the guardian has been an integral part of clothing and fashion embroidery, jewelry, articles of clothing (such as, for example, the belt). Charms worn in the vicinity of important and most vulnerable places on the body - how to have seen on the national consciousness. These locations have been the area around the face (hats, earrings), chest (necklaces, suspensions), the region of the waist and below the waist (belt loops), wrists (bracelets, or embroidered sleeves. Also amulets worn on the back, on the back - against the evil eye and the words, thrown in the back. Today, this function of protection of the back may carry, for example, icons and charms on the backpack.
All types of these magical objects can be as artifacts, that is to say, the objects created by man (and not even necessarily from the beginning with the magic goal – for example, the iron horse), and objects of natural origin. It is, for example, the crystals and the druze of stones, parts of animals (for example, fangs or feathers, grass and twigs of plants, and other gifts of nature.
How long you can wear amulets and talismans?
Amulets and amulets, you can keep on you at all times, until they are not fully implemented. These objects, by performing a protective function, take the negative of the outside world, and keep in itself, so you need to clean the way in which we describe below.
However, there comes a time when the resource, charm fully carried out and it breaks. The red wire of tear, the suspension detached from the eyelet, buckles ear - another part of the ring falls of stone or crack. This means that you can not use it. However, this does not apply to precious metal jewelry as jewelry. The decoration of the money can be easy to repair, clean, and it will again work.

The mascots are brought to the execution of the task to which they have been created. After that, you can burn them if you can equipment, or cleaning and with gratitude, keep it in a quiet place, until again, they do not need. Having taken the decision to stop the keep for you the mascot to decide how you are doing. To navigate you must first on their own feelings, connect with a talisman, and he listens to his inner silence. What he wants? Wait its time in a box in your magic wardrobe? Rest on the bottom of the river? Burn? Take the response and do what you need.
Is it possible to wear several amulets at once?
There is no reason why we can't wear multiple amulets. The symbols well agree with the scandinavians and talismans rune you can wear almost anything.
If you have a question, is it possible to wear two amulets at once, take the two, of preference, they were already enabled), put it in front of him. It will be good to light a candle, for example, white or purple, to sharpen perception. Focus your attention on the lie in front of you subjects. How they will interact? Don't feel you have them on? Know how can repel the magnets of the same polarity? Have you not this feeling of resistance between these artifacts?
If not, if you feel that they do not conflict between them, hesitate not to bring them together.
If you want to wear stones, several pets at once, must be based on the properties of the stones. For example, recommended not to wear simultaneously valuable elements of Water and Air, Fire and Earth, Water and Fire. But the stones of Air and Fire, Water and Earth blend perfectly and enhance each other. However, sometimes it is magic of the decoration in violation of this rule, this is not to be feared. Well, the main thing that you need to move your feeling. If you feel that it is a mixture of stones - what it means, it is as well.
Is it possible to wear an amulet with the point of the cross?

Our ancestors - grandmother, great-grandmother, all of our back-to-back quietly worn the traditional charms and amulets with the cross stitch. Finally, the cross is a variant of the amulet to protect against evil spirits and are used as a symbol of belonging to the egregor.
Today, the church negatively applies to all sorts of magic objects, to denounce as superstition. We, for its part, sees no obstacles to wear a different type of amulets and talismans with the point of the cross. In addition, there are a number of christian amulets from the holy places, and often portable churched trafficking, for example, knotted rosary or the red thread of Jerusalem.
In a word, the decision to wear one or the other amulet or talisman at the same time with the attributes of religion is a personal matter, christian, muslim or buddhist.
The amulets are worn on the red wire?
The red wire is the most ancient talisman. The usually wear on the wrist of the left hand. The most famous of this kind of wire - the red wire of Jerusalem.
Also on the red wire, you can carry other small charms, beads, charms, which have a role of amulets. For example, a bracelet desires red with beads, which, if torn, shows little performance desired. The red wire acts as the apotropaic and strengthens the action of the amulets which you are wearing.
The arm wear amulets
It is believed that the left hand is to accept, and right - conductive, giving. In fact, it applies not only to the hands, and, say, the parts of the body. It is, amulets, intended to protect from evil and negativity, it is good to keep to the left, for example, on the left hand. Or left-click the chest, if it is a pin.
The mascots of the same, for example, for the wedding, or a pentacle of solomon (wealth), or talismans to attract love, happiness, luck, you can keep to the right.
Amulets and talismans, you can wear it around the neck, on the chest, in the middle of the body. Here more important than the regularity of positioning. For example, a bag-good luck charm, mobile phone on the chest close to the skin, or rather the fact that the one who is lying to the house and is brought to the occasion.
In addition, we note talismans, related to the nature. Charms for pregnant women or talismans, worn by the woman design preferably in the area of the abdomen and thighs.
Is it possible to wear purchased foreign amulets
Question, is it possible to wear a stranger a talisman or an amulet, originally purchased do you demand an individual approach. Certainly, it is a personal, almost intimate. The relationships with these magical things are formed for long periods of time, sometimes years, and change the masters of amulets and talismans are not very fond of. It is a magical object of this type must be purchased to itself, and to give once again. But these are exceptions.
If, for example, it is the decoration, which is transmitted in the family from generation to generation is an amulet, the lucky owner of which can only envy. Even a simple pin vintage with a black cat, a favorite of your grandmother in her youth, can become a powerful talisman.
Also amulets and talismans, purchased as a gift and fete sincere and warm wishes of happiness, have more power - perhaps even greater than purchased for himself.
How to clean amulets, talismans and amulets
When you wear these magical things to take the negative, the evil, the opinions of other and ill-wishes, as well as to divert unwanted twists and turns. So from time to time, you must clear all residues and filling them with new forces.
Clean the charms with the help of elements:
- Fire - pass it over the flame of a candle, visualizing, like all alluvial burns in it.
- The water - having been held under the running water under the faucet (if no access to a creek or a river).
- Earth - bury the salt of the earth and leaving for a few days.
- The air in the smoke of the incense.
Choose a path according to his desires and, especially, with the material from which it is made to not to damage it. The safest course for the physics of the incarnation of the amulet of the path of purification of the water.

In principle, for efficient cleaning of the mascot with the water, just intention and visualization, but you can use a spell or a plot. Write yourself or use the ready.
Let your amulets, amulets and talismans serve faithfully, to protect you and bring joy, happiness and luck!