For a long time, people believed in magic, calling for help from the forces and the talismans magic. Regardless of who has created these things and as they look, the main thing — effectively, they work for the owner.

You can buy ready to the mascot, but you can do it yourself with his own hands. Personal, home amulets generally work better, more efficiently and more precisely, in fact, during the creation of the parameters laid directly to the owner, understanding what he wants from the magic of things.
Why is the house of amulets better to buy?
You make the amulet of luck and money simply. You can choose many different options depending on the available materials, the preferences of the owner and its capabilities.
House of talismans is usually purchased, because it is done under a specific objective, and with the clear purpose, the more they are initially close to the owner.
General rules for working with amulets
The whole magic thing to work properly, you need to believe in and to treat them with respect. Including and not speak to disparage amulets as such, nor on the scope of the impact: the opportunity, the money or the work, which must bring them.
The mascots of the exception, always carry with them. Never give in to wrong hands, not to tell the outside, what it is. It is desirable to keep all the world from someone else's eye. The result of the impact should not be disclosed, and stating the amount of income better outside of the family not to say it one more time.
The mascots may not be dare. You can make a talisman to a close, but then something do it right back to a particular person. Another option is to pass inheritance to the child or the student, but this option implies that will inform the amulet is no longer necessary, because it is located away from foreign affairs.
When the mascot works, it is necessary to thank him for his help. Each time you receive arrived and out of luck. If the amulet lives in your hand bag, it is desirable that the wallet has never been empty, with the exception that the few minutes necessary for the guidance of the order.
Is not necessarily limited to a talisman. You can make several and put them in a beautiful bag, so that they mutually reinforce each other. You can combine the amulets of various actions, attract prosperity in the home and in the hands of a particular man.
The rules of the purchase of components

To make their hands effective mascot, it is necessary to first prepare the hardware. You can buy or find. It is advisable to follow the common magic rules:
- Impossible to tell the story, for what and bought the thing is not even worth mentioning.
- Buy it without haggling, and pay no deposit, preferably in cash.
- If you have to buy a lot (the whole ball, the whole of the candle, a large piece of fabric), the rest cannot use it on household needs.
- And during the search, and when buying it is advisable to go for the components of the mascot in silence, not to meet people at a glance, and not paying any attention to them, everything should be back.
- What has been purchased, and is not found, it is desirable to clean. Depending on the material, it is possible to do this with the help of water, the fire (carry on with a lit candle), the scent of smoke, salt (to sprinkle and exterriti).
- Possible, it is desirable to make the acquisition of components for the mascots on the well-being and luck in this kind of day, when the chance is perceptible and money.
- You can take the components for the mascot is a gift of the rich and lucky man.
The church
Unfortunately, the christian church in general does not approve of magic, considering it as guilty of the case.A believer is not to create an amulet of his own hands, and to acquire an image of the saint, submittens related activities, and apply to him to solicit his help.
Magical amulets to attract good luck and wealth are very varied. Everyone can choose to his taste.
Before you make a talisman, it is necessary to determine its objectives. Should it attract prosperity in the home, or providing a good income to its owner. The master must determine what it considers to be a wealth. All of this need to create the guardian during its creation.
Magic wax
For the creation of this mascot need candle wax, a piece of cloth and not too much time.
The spark plug need to buy the cera, no paraffin and no gel. If the possibility of the church and is not sacred. The size should be such that you can wait until it is burned.

The fabric is desirable to take dense and so that they could identify with the owner. The material can be a color, red, yellow, gold or green color, or with patterns, ranging from luck and wealth. It is either a piece of cloth nine, or a fragment of the favorite amet clothes.
The best ritual of the magical charge of the wax to spend the night on the crescent of the moon. It is desirable that, in the process, nobody could disturb him a magician, to turn off the phone and notifications on your computer.
At midnight, light a candle and lay down on such a surface, with which it will be easy to remove cera cast iron. Normal ceramic saucer is good, and here is the form of a candleholder will create complexity.
In the flame of a candle whisper wishes that mascot should attract and repel, what chance have need of an owner and what it is afraid of the type of fluency required. Continue the ritual until the candle is not ardet example, If you have nothing, you just have to look into the flames and dream.
When the rest of the candle wax has cooled, it is carefully removed and wrapped in cloth, you can tie or set a few stitches. Received a talisman carried in a purse or consui in a stuffed toy.
Magic coin
For this purpose, one can take any room, but efficiently operate t-he a - found or received in very good time extraordinary, with the year of release, corresponding to the year of birth of the owner, or simply old.
This coin must be worn at all times on itself, in a hand bag or as a talisman. If the storage location of the coins is selected, the portfolio, it would be good to take care not to move by mistake.
Load of coin on the full moon. You have to put it in a saucer or a cup with water and put in the window for the rays of the moon fell to the water, passing the moon's energy mascot. As the moon attracts the water at high tide, and the piece will attract money.
Interesting variety — improvis a coin. It can be cut in wood, blind from fabrilis clay, cast of a good alloy or even draw it on a cardboard box. In charge of the mascots based on the properties of the material. Thus, in the clay, you can add a little honey and cinnamon, wood to soak up the wax, but the cardboard cover with glitter. The purpose of clearly indicate that it is exactly the wealth.
Braid wire
For this amulet you need three wires: red as a symbol of the strength of the desire, blue as the guarantee of its execution, and green as an indication of the wealth and prosperity.

On the crescent of the moon of the sons of a need to weave the hair, focusing on a desire. This may be the chance in a specific case, or to obtain a sufficient amount on the purchase of a particular thing. It is important that the desire was accurate, therefore, to say clearly that he has already accomplished. Be emotionally saturated images of his execution, saying it out loud.
When the tail is ready, she tied around the ankle of the left leg, and are not to take off, until the desire will not be realized. Then, the mascot remove and burn with gratitude.
Money bag
Assemble a cloth bag of the right color. It may be universal, white, gold, red, or green - which one is the host of the soul.
Collect a handful of coins - more is better. It is desirable, for at least a few different pieces of dignity. Coin wash, you can erase it any way.
The money deposited on a flat surface, sort, joy in them. And then crammed in the bag, reading the plot: "the Copeck to copeck, denarium in denarium, полтинник to quinquaginta kopeck piece, the ruble the ruble, the ducat to a piece of aurum, to the court. "When it's all folded — pocket-knotted and store them in the house in a place where foreigners don't see it.
Sometimes, in such a bag are made and other components. A magnet for money attracted. A cinnamon stick for the same purpose. Special objects, symbolizing wealth and richness.
It is important to note that, since this mascot is linked to the home, and not to a master, it will work in particular on the prosperity, the wealth and the chance to live in a house as a unit, the family. If the family as such is not, and there are bad people living under the same roof — work for this deputy will not be.
Irredeemable ticket
Need a way or an other magic of how to get a ticket important of the nominal value. It may be a part of the first salary on a new location or in a new profession, the gift of lucky man, mentor, or older parents, win the lottery. Another method is to cultivate a coin: each day in the lunar month of delay increasing the sum (today — at least on the ruble, but more than yesterday), the new moon of exchange accumulated over a great law, and the rest is all the result move on to something pleasant, gratum. Such a ticket store in a department of the stock exchange and are not allowed for consumption.
Of cash flow of the tangle
Adapted to the coin or banknote with wool green silk, until you get a ball. During the winding of the dream of wealth, prosperity and luck, that entanglement is expected to involve in the owner's house. Put a mascot above the entrance door to the interior, but also for foreigners not to be seen. If you want, you can make such an amulet is not only for the house but for the office — then the whole business to thrive. Periodically entanglement must be recharged. To this effect, a drip-drop of the essential oil, the fragrance of which the owner is associated with money, wealth and prosperity, and represent the wealth of a river flowing.
Money tree
In urna with the earth bury the coins and planting of a plant. It may be "tree", the cactus, geraniums, anything what grows well in house conditions. It is necessary to think about planting money that now they are going to grow up. Of a plant it is necessary to take care of the watering, fertilizing. Each time bearing in mind that these acts — the contribution to the future harvest, the well-being and wealth. Foreigners, you can see the money tree, which is forbidden in the case with other mascots. And here to tell that this is not just a plant, not worth it.
Horseshoe above the door
Above the door to the inside lay down an iron horse with horns. To say that it is a full cup, and the house now, will also be of the full cut. Perform this ritual you need on a crescent moon, and in the success of the house. In the ideal, in this day, when get the money, they bought good food, the cupboards are full and living in the house happy. The house really should be the full cup.
The small things
Sometimes found a small thing works better than diligently because of the amulet. The main thing — it should be something which is immediately attracted the eyes, dicitur in itself. Such res would fit in a hand bag or worn as a decoration, but if the dimensions do not allow them to do so — place it on the workplace or in the corner of the house. Good as such as pebbles and shells near the water. Sometimes, you can find quattuor a clover leaf, it is recommended to dry and paste in the decoration. A piece of birch bark is capable of protecting against thieves, and debtors, to prevent the delays of salary. Some like the chinese feng shui coin. This little thing can become a toy wizard. Often as such, use of the minifigures of goblin, or of their small plush toys.