Good luck – it is a thing unpredictable. Someone she spoils the whole life, and someone turns ever. Is it possible to draw on the side? This question has puzzled people for thousands of years. In different cultures have their own ways of becoming a success and catch the tail of luck.

Popular amulets to attract good luck.
Magic wax.
The method is very simple. A lit candle, you must put it in a glass with water (the colour and the size of the candles have value). Until the fire, watching the flame, and to reflect on their purposes, dreams, desires. The wax will absorb all your thoughts. Once the candle is burned, and the wax hardens, you need to gather, put in a pocket, or sew to the inside of the plush. Amulet needs to keep on oneself, not to give the wrong hands.
The hand of chance.
This amulet came to us with the East. It looks like the discovery of the palm of the hand decorated in the middle of the eye. The hand of the luck protects its wearer from negative influences from the outside, the damage, the evil eye, impart good luck, prosperity, financial independence.
The Impression Of Veles. Made in the form of the bear paws. Worn its men. Nowadays, it can promote the development of career, professional success, attract money.
Raciborz. Grants the bearer of wisdom and luck. It is believed that wearing this amulet receives the patronage of their ancestors, who will help you in any domain.
Yarilo-sun. This talisman suited to women. It will protect the face of adversity is not only the sound, but the future of the children. The amulet will bring success in business and the financial well-being.
You must first consider the value of each rune. A rune may have some value, but if she is in a relationship with another meaning may be different.Most often in amulets on the chance used the fleece of Wunjo.
Tibetan amulet of great fortune.
The person who wears this talisman will attract good luck, whatever it may be affected. There will be chances to win the lottery or at the casino. Circumstances appear everywhere, just do not miss the chance and enjoy it.
Rabbit foot among the indians.
Now, this method is used everywhere, and to the West, and in the countries of the East. Well that first rabbit leg and worn around the neck by the indians. This amulet has been considered a symbol of luck and prosperity. For him to be the only left back that rabbit hole of the leg. Must not wear the paw on the neck – you just need to keep at home. The businessmen can carry it in the pocket of his jacket.
The elephant of the stability of the luck.
The statuette of elephant, according to the teachings of feng shui, can change the life of his owner for the better. Just as it is the trunk of the animal sucks water in and the chance will be drawn to the fireplace, in which there is a miniature elephant.
An elephant – an animal that is powerful on four legs. The life of the host statuettes exactly the same will have solid foundation and constant chance.
The japanese.
The most popular of the amulet, japanese bears the name of the omamori. It is a small bag, in which lie the messages of the gods. These amulets can be seen everywhere in the world, put them in bags, hanging in the car, office, home. It brings luck, happiness, wealth.
A Chinese One.
The coins, strung on a red thread. Perhaps the most common way to attract wealth and success. Allows you to not only attract money, but also to preserve and improve their.
God Hotei. A statue of this god will fulfill desires, attracts luck.
Duck-Mandarin. The symbol of good luck in his personal life, luck, great opportunities.
The fish-aravana. This symbol attracts luck, wealth, prosperity.
The spiral of the luck.
The spiral usually represent on of gold the subject. It symbolizes a continuous movement, which will attract in the life of an owner of luck and endless flow of cash. It helps people develop leadership skills, to be more attractive to the opposite sex, the rapidity of their career development, to the acquisition of independence.
Amulet of luck and chance on a sign of the zodiac.
During the selection of the amulet of luck, you have to navigate on your sign of the zodiac. The right color and the material of which the guardian is made, it can increase its magical properties.
The fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius). Belonging to them of the amulets need to be brilliant – should be red, yellow, orange. On the form, it is best to choose round or square charms.
The earth signs (taurus, virgo, capricorn). The earth signs are very practical. The material for their amulets should be proportionate to the clay, wood, copper. By a color, it is best to take all shades of brown and green.
The water signs (cancer, pisces, scorpio). Depending on the colour of the representatives of the water element agree green, blue, silver plated charms, made of thin, fragile materials.
The air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius). Mascots need to watch easily and with elegance. Color to better focus on light blue, dark blue, purple, beige.
Talismans, that brings luck in your studies.
To attract success in studies using mascots with the help of different herbs.
Bag of valerian. Help them to become more diligent, attentive, configure studies, quickly regain strength.
Heels worry. Help to overcome the difficult moments encountered in the process of training, to relieve the excitement before the intervention on the public.
A bag with nettles and grass-the crybaby. Help during the exams. Removes the fear, removes the negative thoughts and sympathy arrangements feelings.
A bag with a dried st. john's wort. Gives courage, facilitate the mastery of the new material.
When it is preferable to make the creation of an amulet.
For maximum effect, you need to create an amulet of luck, to a date and even the hour:
- this must be the period of the waxing Moon,
- the process must pass in silence,
- the time of day does not matter,
- you want to make the thinking in order, from the hunt of the head of all the negativity, to create an amulet, to believe in their luck
- we cannot speak of its the mascot of the show, to give,to touch,
- if possible, always try to wear an amulet with you
- amulets, designed to bring good fortune, it is better to create the Wednesdays and Sundays.
The mascots that you can do yourself.
A bag on the chance.
For the pocket will need a red cloth – it is considered a symbol of prosperity, and the wire. And the fabric and the threads must be natural.
In the bag lock objects, as the embodiment of success and wealth: coins, rabbits paw, fish, ladybug, a horseshoe. You can put the turquoise, it is also often used to attract good luck.
It is possible to fill a bag at the base of plants that can also help to have success: the orange peel, the skin of the pomegranate, hazelnuts, acorns, clover, lucky charms, cinnamon sticks, flowers of violets or apple trees.
The bag you need to carry in your bag or in your purse.
On of coins.
To transform a coin into the talisman, you need to in the night of the crescent of the Moon to put it in a container with water in such a way, so that the light of the moon illuminated her. At the top of the room to utter a spell: "Like water in the light of the moon is filled, and my life the chance and the wealth is completed".
A coin-let the night in the water, and in the morning, you can make one on and wear it around the neck.
Nodules on the happiness.
For the rite requires five immaculate son and a red one (all wires must be natural). A red thread tied up colourless to five times knotted nodules, shamanism is the following: "the First nodule knit – woe I drive, the second to the protection of the mountain, the third autricot himself the rich reward, the fourth on luck, and the fifth – seal".
Store this amulet need in a secluded place, away from strangers.
The doll.
The doll of the soft tissue, you can do no matter what – is to the fancy of the owner. To give him a resistance, to the base and enclosing a piece of currency. A point is not to draw a person, a talisman, it should not be.
Doll-an amulet made of his hands, which brings the chance you often take it with you.
Happy dollar.

A bill in denominations of 1 dollar, you have to reduce it in the form of a triangle, and in this way to carry in a purse. It will attract money and success.
The mascot of money of things.
This metal like silver, has the ability to attract good luck and money. Any money the thing can turn into a talisman, bringing success just talk to her.
For the rite to choose the night of Wednesday to Thursday, is placed the object in the water, and ask, for now, she drew in life-happiness.
Embroidery and knitting.
If the owner possesses the necessary skills of sewing and knitting, to do this, the tutor is not difficult. It is necessary to choose the slave of the image, bringing the chance, or the rune and embroidered or knitting on the fabric. The essential – use only natural materials. The filament is desirable to take a red color.
The mascot of the fortune of favorite things.
The thing that is related with the happy events of life, can become an excellent amulet, welcoming into the life of well-being. Simply it is necessary to load up on the chance. For this, the detention of the future mascot in the hands, making the plot: "I Have to protect, the chance attires, just take care of it".
After that, zagovornye thing that you can take it with you in those moments when you need help.
The stones.
The sémhur. This natural stone has a powerful energy. It brings success in the life of a landlord, help you to find a common language with others gives courage, helps avoid unpleasant situations.
The sapphire crystal. Attracts money and luck. To enhance the effect of the sentence to carry the stone, lined with white gold or silver.
Cat's eye. In addition to the involvement of well-being, to protect against the evil eye. The stone is suitable for the rich people, who are often jealous.
Ruby. Allows you to achieve success in the most intractable cases. Particularly suited to the brands of fire element: lions, aries, sagittarius.
Of the grass.
The grass, which is lucky and which are able to protect the trouble, a bad sign, specifically sewn pockets, in the dry form. The bag must be made from the nature of the material. Complete you can of the chamomile, aloe vera, laurel leaf, by jade.
Acorn or walnut.
And the glans, and the nut in many countries, serve as symbols of prosperity. Usually, they bring with them various business meetings and negotiations – they confer to their holders the eloquence, the gift of persuasion, ability to lead a business. Students can take a nut to the review.
The crocodile tooth.
One who wears a crocodile tooth, luck will smile everywhere. It is also suitable for politicians.
The bamboo.
In the art of feng shui bamboo – a symbol of happiness. It grows very quickly and one that will have it on the self as the mascot, and quickly be able to make a career and achieve success in life.
Beetle beetle.
The image of scarab beetle were still in ancient Egypt. It was considered a symbol of wealth. Today, this amulet lucky charm, helps maintain well-being is available.
Golden garlic.
It is a chinese symbol. It fulfills the wishes and promises its owner a permanent, inexhaustible cash flow.
Sunflower help to those who built a career. It gives energy, to develop creativity, helps those who want to gain popularity and recognition.
Plots for amulets-protective.
To speak of the amulet, you can yourself thanks to the video of sufficient instructions on the internet. And can be assigned to a specialist in magical rites. Animals and quite a simple option: ask a guardian of the chance with your own words.
Load and activate it.
Activate the amulet can be at home. For this need the help of the four elements that you must take a handful of earth, to pour in the tank of water, open the window to let in the air, and light a candle. Each element of the amulet briefly-placed to ask for help. Above the flame of the candle just to hold it.
After these manipulations, the tutor will be ready to use in effect.