Undoubtedly, everyone is the creator of their own life, but a little luck will give confidence in strength, it will help you quickly find the answer to the questions of difficult life. A talisman that can be easily made at home will become a source of luck. How to make an amulet for good luck and what is needed for it, we will tell you in detail in the article.
How to create a charm with your own hands: basic tips
The main purpose of the amulet is to protect from misfortune and trouble, to attract good luck in any business, be it a career or family relationships. Considering that a talisman is an individual thing, you need to do it yourself, following some tips.
Amulet and its form
Before choosing the shape of the amulet, it is important to decide what functions it will perform.
- The circle is a symbol of financial well-being.
- Oval - helps develop creativity and make wise decisions.
- The square is a symbol of the four elements, it helps to maintain constancy and inner fortitude.
- Triangle: attracts good luck, favors contact with higher powers.
These are just the basic shapes of amulets, besides them there are others: a key, a star, animal figures, a heart.
Note: A powerful talisman for attracting wealth is a coin, which is enough to hang in the shape of a pendant. You can buy such a coin with a hole for a chain or lace in any esoteric store. A simple bracelet with several knots will help you save yourself from trouble and attract good luck, it is very easy to do it yourself.

Talisman and material for it
Here are some tips to follow when choosing the amulet material:
- only natural composition: wood, wax, material, metal, leather;
- pleasant to the touch: the finished amulet should evoke only pleasant emotions and impressions from the touch of the fingers.
Talisman and zodiac sign
The energy of each zodiac sign is reflected in objects of a certain shape and color. If we are talking about an individual amulet with powerful power, special attention should be paid to the zodiac sign.
Zodiac sign | Talisman form | Color |
Aries | Circle and square | Orange and green |
Taurus | Animal figurine, preferably an elephant | Light shades |
Gemini | Locks and keys | Blue, cyan and white |
Cancer | Figurine Moon, heart, cancer | Gold |
Lion | Circle, lion or eagle | Gold |
Virgo | It is not the shape that matters, but the material the talisman is made of - clay | Light shades |
Balance | Any element representing stairs | Silver |
Scorpio | Frog: it can be a pendant in the shape of an animal or an object with its image | Red |
Sagittarius | Traditional horseshoe, arrows or scarab | Bronze |
Capricorn | Scale, coin | Gold |
Aquarius | Favorite handmade and sky-related items: bird feathers, angel | Colors of the light blue palette: white, blue, all shades of blue |
Fish | The shape of the amulet should reflect the theme of water | All shades of blue |
When is the best time to create an amulet
To attract good luck, talismans must be created on certain days and also at certain times.
- wealth can only be attracted to a talisman created on the growing Moon, since during this period the Month contributes to all planes, strength increases;
- the talisman, regardless of its purpose, does not tolerate confusion and noise, it must be created in an atmosphere of complete calm and silence;
- the time of day doesn't matter, both sunlight and candlelight will do;
- attitude is important - you can not start making an amulet with your own hands with a heavy heart, bad thoughts and anger;
- you should never tell anyone about a talisman, it is advisable not to show it to others, not even close relatives, remember that you have intimate and special acquaintance, any careless look can damage both the amulet and you;
- , if possible, do not part with the talisman and always carry it with you;
- The chosen day of the week is of particular importance, as each day corresponds to a certain energy.
Day of the week | Meaning of the amulet |
Wednesday | To attract finance and material stability |
Friday | Charm to strengthen romantic and love relationships |
Sunday | To attract luck and success |
Note: At the end of the work, you need to wrap the pendant in fabric and put it under the pillow for one night. This will fill the amulet with your energy and connect with your consciousness. So, the talisman is set, after which it is ready for use.
The most popular amulets to attract good luck

Magic bag.
These amulets are very popular, they have power and can help in difficult times. To create such a talisman, you need a red fabric - this color symbolizes success, wealth and prosperity. Material and threads must be natural. During the whole creative process, it is important to think about the luck that the talisman will bring.
In the finished bag you have to put all the objects that will become a source of happiness: coins, some animal figures, keys, a rabbit's foot, a horseshoe, a goldfish or a ladybug. You can also put a turquoise stone in the bag. The mineral is used to attract good luck.
The magic bags are filled with plants and herbs. Help to attract good luck:
- orange peel;
- pomegranate peel;
- strawberry leaves;
- hazelnut and nutmeg;
- acorns
- narcissus, violet and apple blossoms;
- cinnamon sticks.
- The most famous symbol of good luck is the four-petaled clover leaf.
Note: periodically it is necessary to "charge" the amulet, lubricating it with essential oils - orange, anise, cinnamon or lotus. The finished magic item must be carried in a purse or wallet.
Magic wax.
The main condition for creating a wax amulet is the belief in success and strength. The stronger a person believes in a talisman, the more energy power a magical item will have.
First you need to choose a candle - no matter the shape and color, the main thing is that you like the chosen candle,and feel that this particular object will bring good luck.
At midnight, place a candle in a small clear glass and light it. It is not necessary to perform special rituals, there is also no need for conspiracies. Considering that a talisman is a personal thing, it is important to convey your energy and desires to it.
While the candle is lit, tell yourself everything you dream and want, tell us what you strive for, what goals you have set for yourself. Wax is a soft and flexible material, it will absorb your words and thoughts, dreams and goals, and also remember your worries to protect you from them in the future.
Wait for the candle to burn and do not touch the wax until it solidifies completely. Remember that the intricate patterns on a piece of wax are your wishes and your energy.
Note: A fully hardened wax figure should be placed in a cloth bag, sewn into a small soft figure or bracelet. The main thing is that the amulet is always close to you and protects you, never pass a magical item into the wrong hands.
The best talismans: found randomly
As a rule, things found randomly turn out to be completely non-random. Collecting this or that object of a person suggests the feeling that it is he who brings good luck. It can be a shell, a stone, a found coin.
While relaxing by the sea, you can stroll along the shore and listen to your thoughts. Near the house, as a rule, they look for a four-leaf clover, which is dried and carried in a bag or wallet, as a symbol of success and good luck. The main thing is not to damage the dry leaf. Coins are not only a source of luck, they also bring material independence to their owner.
Note: If you decide to make an amulet with your own hands, start with a simple technique - make a simple decoration, a keychain.
How to charge the amulet
DIY amulets have several advantages over those bought in a specialized store:
- in the process of creation you transfer your energy to the object;
- before use you do not have to "tune in" to the amulet and get used to the amulet;
- You don't know who collected the item from the shop and what energy it has, i. e. after purchasing the amulet you will need to clean it.
The only thing that requires homemade talismans is periodic activation and recharging.
The billing process is a simple conspiracy that takes place at midnight and necessarily for the growing month. It is necessary to buy three candles in an Orthodox church. At the set time, they must be placed in a triangle and an amulet must be placed in the center. Looking at the amulet, you should say three times:

“The amulet is now mine, it has become my destiny! Success and happiness will bring, problems, failure will take away! "
So you have to take the talisman in your hands, focus your thoughts exclusively on your goals. Imagine in detail how the amulet helps you, feel how the object is full of energy - you need to determine the time during which the talisman will be fully charged. After that, the amulet is ready for use. As complex tasks and problems are solved, the energy of the talisman is consumed, so it needs to be charged from time to time.
The belief in magic dates back many centuries. During this time, people have gathered a huge amount of knowledge and applied it in practice. The modern rhythm of life does not allow a person to closely monitor the manifestation of higher powers, but there is a unique opportunity - to use the acquired knowledge for good. The most popular magical items are talismans; it is customary to count on their help in the most difficult situations. No matter what the amulet looks like, what it is made of, it matters for what purpose it is used and what the amulet is for. It is important to remember that a magical talisman will never work if you don't believe in its power. But if you sincerely believe in the help and support of higher powers, then the simplest thing will become a magical amulet. You shouldn't choose a shorter route and buy a pendant, as a handmade thing has more powerful energy and will regularly help the owner.