Everyone wants to be the most lucky and rich for there is no one person to depend on. The prosperity of the opens many doors, gives confidence. To do this, all means are good, are not prohibited by the law and morality. The essential in the acquisition of wealth – the perseverance and hard work, but sometimes, something is preventing it, lack of luck. To participate in all eras and in all cultures, there were special signs, rituals, talismans. The greatest strength have amulets, hand-made. Will talk about this: how to properly manage the finances, so that they do not leave and how to make good amulets in silver.
The concept of the amulet
Will adhere to current interpretations of the value, because over time, they have changed. The amulet, according to the dictionary, a topic on wearable technology on the body, to have magical properties against diseases, poverty, misery, and attracts luck. Synonymous with the mascot. It is true, totally the values do not match. Amulet – made thing, and the mascot can become any object, with the master of particular importance. Not to be confused, we will begin to apply in a single value.
The amulets on the money and the rules of use

Their large number and the list is going to depend on the religion and culture, the country of interest. In Ireland, the clover, trefoil, in China, the toad, in the slavic culture – spoon, the sign of the flower, fern, and other. Now, many of them parroted the borders and cultures, therefore, is not a shame not to use the native talismans. The question arises: how the mascot to choose? You can find tips on how to make their hands an amulet, a proposal for the purchase of ready-to-guardian, to apply the symbols of the zodiac. Optimization, no one will. Contact the mage, he will advise you a talisman that is able to do and itself verified, the wise old men also people are going to start from their experience, but this does not mean that the amulet is good for you. In fact, the choice of mascots observe the rules:
- You need to choose the mascot of this religion, which is the nearest, in order to avoid contradictions;
- Listen to your intuition. Need to turn off the good sense, the spirit and listen to the inner voice. Stay alone, keeping in mind the thought of the chance. The image will appear itself;
- The intuition, just look for the amulet online, shop and stop the choice on the plu. This is one of the main rules of the mascot should be the soul. You want to touch it, stroke it and admire it. Found this – this means that it will work. Monetary of the symbology of the need to comply with. Perhaps, it will be clear to you, but the question of money and luck, it should be kept in mind during the selection;
- There is a perception that the stronger, the guardian – made of his own hands. The part of the truth is one, but don't forget that the whole thing is done in good faith, with brilliant ideas. Don't want to or can not – do not force yourself;
- Accept the amulets, you can have full confidence in the good intentions of the man. Offered to the mascot of clean salt. You can't take it as a gift vacuum, the dishes, the empty wallet, empty the piggy bank. These objects initially scheduled on poverty;
- To attract money can help with the color red. You can apply a thread, a garment, an accessory of decoration. Can't decide, with an amulet – buy red portfolio;
- Effective can become the mascot of the decoration. Choose jewelry, not jewelry. Apply currency symbols.
When you have chosen the amulet, he must decide whether to assign him a seat. Depends on the type of mascot. Decoration wear with a, from time to time, brush. Small figurines, figurines, wear in the stock market or in the department of bags. The large figures placed in the house. Location choose yourself. In the right place, the mascot is not bad to the eyes and seems to be organically, therefore, move the thing. The amulets according to feng shui, place according to the philosophy – in the area of money.
In the issue of financial well-being is not the last role plays the attitude of the finance. No amulet does not work, if you do not observe the rules of respect for the money:
- Do not crease the money, not the lay where. The place for money exchange. Boxes, boxes agree, if you build there, and not simply put, because there is more where. Carry the portfolio is based in the bag and do not put on the table;
- Use the large red or gold wallet.
- The money is kept in the expanded form of any length, not folded in two, in four;
- Remove it from the stock exchange all the excess: notes, cheques, tickets. In regards to the photos, many of them here wear them, but not to do so. In the portfolio, save only the bank cards. Promotions, business cards, and the passages to remove and resettle in a carrying case;
- If the stock market s' – disposed;and
- The love of money account. Periodically consider spot;
- Banknotes and coins of all do not store. It is necessary to put order in your purse, and in the bank;
- The money attracts money. Do not lose everything to zero, even if it is waiting at the entrance. Always keep a big bill that you can't exchange, better two, for they are fruitful.
The order in things and in life is a guarantee of success and tranquility.
The runes as a talisman
Each rune, once part of the writing has a meaning and magic action. To attract money apply any of the following characters:
- Fehu. Home of the rune in question of finance. In addition, he gives strength to the man to realize the plans and achieve its objectives.
- Hyères. The symbol of the remuneration for the work. The hard work will bring wealth.
- Otal. Means the property. Helps to get the support of influential people, which has already occurred in your life.
- Dagaz. Indicates the prosperity, the opportunities, the possibilities. Comes an important case, the improvement, use. It gives a positive result.
Apply the runes, you can yourself and in all combinations, depending on the direction of the armour. You can buy it already ready, you can apply yourself, but remember that the writings on the plastics, they will not work. Use of natural materials. If you wake up to apply yourself, use natural colors, preferably of the ochre. On the metal runes can help out. A mascot, and you must always keep the host, to attract good luck and wealth.
The figurines of animals and insects

Let us recall the most common that are used as talismans to attract money:
- Trokhpalaya toad. The mascot came to Feng shui, and therefore need to apply according to the rules. The toad must keep in the mouth of the piece, it must be retrieved. For more action toad, it is necessary to have a nearby source of water: fountain, aquarium, the adjustment image with the image of water or wipe toad every day with a damp cloth;
- Elephant (with a trunk to the top). Good as a pendant, but also a statuette in the shape of an elephant seems appropriate;
- The turtle. Still a chinese symbol. The application rules as with toad;
- The drone. That is associated with that rite. The first drone, you have to catch the bright to put in the purse. The corpse of the insect throw does not count. The custom is cruel, and requires a certain dexterity. The replacement of the insect living figurine. It brings together glass, jewelry, made with his own hands from threads. This is not serious, it is necessary that it was always in a hand bag.
The largest share were the mascots of the precious metals or simply gold shade.
Nerazmennyye cuts
This is not necessarily the ticket. The room is nice, too. Question exclusively in номинале. The greater the dignity of the notes, the better it is. If you want, you can apply to the foreign money or commemorative. For efficiency, keep them in a wallet pocket and not to talk to anyone. If they give you a purse with money, leave the content as Nerazmennogo.
Precious stones
The variation of the previous amulet. Wear with a talisman. Is not placed in the bag, hand — sewn to the stone in the bag and store it in a bag. You need to precious stone or semi-precious. Don't buy carved, stones, delivered energy. Ideal – to find a nugget of yourself. Some argue that the more effective is the emerald. Apparently, because of the green color, but for yourself, you must choose the one who loves and warms it in his hands.
Amulet to attract money out of his hands
This mascot remembers its owner, takes over a part of the energy. The amulet begins to work more quickly and reliably helps in the issue of luck in financial affairs. Here are some of the popular types. You can choose what you want.
Imperial room
In fact the piece with the plot. The history dates back to the first Russian emperor Peter Alekseevich Романову. The monk of The Lavra spoke to him in imperial room, after having spent, in the prayers of the night. Since then, the emperor has done a lot of business that lucky. This amulet has become the want of each, this concerns not only ordinary people but also leaders who, at the time were in the Trinity st. Sergius Lavra. For this amulet can not be all about rules:
- Choose appropriate coin. You will find tips on how to pick up on the road, but this is not worth it. The money involved in many of the rites, who has completed throw away of money. Where is the guarantee that you have chosen not to, with someone else's negative. No wonder pro found money say: "the More you lose that you will find". We recommend that you take a piece of commemorative coins, antique, jewellery, good as any.
- Wait for the midnight of the full moon.
- Place a coin on a piece of red cloth.
- Attach the green wire.
- Read the plot on the wealth and financial profit. A text is not. As in any conspiracy or of the prayer – the words must go of the soul. Tell us about the problems, the aspirations, the dreams and prospects.
- Hide the amulet in an isolated place.
Equip the amulet to be able to help the faith in him.
Magic cord
This amulet is intended to attract money and luck. It:
- Take natural over green, red, yellow, or blue, symbolizing respectively the wealth, the love, the health, the implementation of the objectives. Use them separately or together, depending on the scope.
- Сплетите of them. In the form of braids, and can be something more beautiful. Taking into account the ability, you can make signs, to represent the characters. Work in preference to the full moon.
- At the time of braiding, visualize the desire. Remember, the more image, the faster the dream will come true. Try to provide the most details, their feelings, the action, the reaction of the family.
- Step on the ankle of the left leg, and wait for luck, which will help you realize a dream.
Cash of the rope is good not only with magical view, but also psychological. The weaving allows you to focus on the object of desires, to break down the way to achieve the objectives in stages, calm down.
Bag with herbs
Apply for a long time as mascot. In addition to cash, the bag can calm the smell of grass and nice to touch. Unless the herbs are placed on different things depending on your needs. The rules of money creation of the mascot are the following:
- Apply silver fabric color: yellow, green, golden, silver.
- Visualize the goal. Imagine that you spend an sudden wealth, imagine the emotion, the environment, in every detail.
- Fill in all of the, which combines wealth: the magnet, silver, pearls, stones. Roma beliefs, the richness of the promise of feathers of birds. Plants, use mint, sage, ginger, maple, acorns, oak leaves and bark, jasmine, rosemary.
- Attach the red wire, woven in the tail and hide it in a secret place.
Not worth the person to speak of him and of the show.
Of cash flow of the tangle

This is not staff of the amulet, and a house. It aims to bring good luck to all the people, living in the apartment. The rules of manufacturing are the following:
- Use the green wire and the coin.
- Coin wrap the wire like a cocoon.
- Secure the ends.
- Hang the amulet above the entrance door.
In general, in regards to the amulet or ritual, its efficacy depends on the faith of the man. Perhaps, the magic in all of this, but the owner, firmly believing in it, will feel more at ease during the difficulty not to lower the arm and do not fall into the discouragement. The programming itself on the chance is effective from the technical and psychological things play a role, as well as the rites.