Create a mascot, you can both for you and for the other person. This object can only transmit to other people. The amulet brings good luck only to its owner. If it is lost, stolen, gifted or broken, it is the action of its forces ran out.
Before dealing with the manufacture, it is necessary to understand the difference of these magic items:
- the amulet performs two functions: protects the host from the loss and brings him good luck;
- the guardian performs a function of protection of the health of the man and of his home;
- the mascot is able to amplify certain traits of character, which allows its owner to succeed in business, happiness and serenity.
If you are considering the making of an amulet or a talisman, see the general terms and conditions and recommendations:
- Talismans and amulets can be made both for you personally, and for the other person. Forcing someone to do it for you, the guardian is not valid. Taken by the work of a person must only of his own will.
- If the mascot is made for the other, in the process of work, it is necessary to constantly thinking about this person. Thoughts must be clear and positive. Only by putting a piece of the soul in a magic item, you will be able to make an amulet that will really work and provide the owner of the property.
- For the manufacture of better to choose the time when the moon is in the growth phase. It is this period is good for all businesses.
- You need to work in a peaceful setting. You need to be relaxed, nobody and nothing should distract you.
- If you make a talisman for yourself, after the completion of the work of the wrap in a tissue and the night put it under his pillow. Thanks to this, the link between the unconscious and the amulet will be in place.
- That have for him a talisman, it is desirable not to tell anyone. Carry it always with you and hide them in the eyes of others.
By respecting these simple rules, be able to manufacture effective and working amulet.
General popular of talismans, corresponding to the current year. For example, in the year of the Dog, prefer tinkering from a variety of materials including figurines of dogs, and in the year of the Rooster — roosters.

The materials used for the creation of mascots
Magical objects that bring luck and happiness to protection against evil influences, which are manufactured from different materials:
- of the stone;
- of the shaft;
- metal;
- of the skin;
- the fabric;
- wire;
- of the fur, etc
The symbol you can draw on paper or heavy cardboard, and if you want to wear.
In the selection of materials to tighten the imagination. It is important, for it is pleasant to the touch and is loved by you, causing only positive emotions.
Strong protective charm over
Today, many of which you can see on the left wrist, a red wire, used as protection against the evil eye. The wire must be a natural material (often using the wool).
The first person to celebrities to wear the red thread on the wrist of the left hand, was the Madonna. It happened after, as he was involved in the esoteric doctrine of the Kabbalah. According to the faith, to tie an amulet on the hand can only close to the person who wants you the property and comprising the essence of the ritual.
The ancient slavic with a red thread has been a bit of a ritual. Its fixed on the wrist of the right hand. You can do it by himself, the main thing — to attach the wire to seven knots. This amulet has attracted in the life of its owner of the money and the chance.
If a protective wire is lost, not worth getting upset. According to the legend, could you get a great misfortune, but the "defender" took him away from you.
For the creation of a mascot, you can use a red wire, but the wires of other colors. Of them you can have weave bracelet. It is important to choose the right hue. When selecting plays the role of the goal you are pursuing:
- red protects against the evil eye, gives the wearer energy and vitality;
- white protects against conflicts, and bad thoughts, helps to build harmonious relationships;
- the blue is responsible for the inspiration, allows you to develop the thinking and hidden talents, therefore ideal for creative people;
- yellow — the color of the sun, allows to achieve the happiness, improve health status, improve the knowledge;
- orange makes a man charming, sociable and confident in their abilities, can achieve great heights;
- pink — the color of romance and tender love; using it, you'll build a very strong relationship, which will not be of the jealousy and the night of passion;
- purple inspires and develops creativity;
- the green protects against envy and conflicts, to improve the health;
- the blue is useful to those who want to find and develop spiritual capacities;
- brown allows you to develop perseverance and achieve your goals, is the symbol of diligence;
- black develops the balance and serenity, will help you gain respect among others.
Threads for the weave to choose only natural. If the wire is thin, fold it in several times. If you use only one color, the easiest way to daibo will be tied on the strings of up to seven knots. If you apply several shades, you can weave a braid or a sort of magic of the ornament.
Ripped the mascot of over it must necessarily burn. Until it burns out, mentally thank him for his help and protection.
The mascot of the burlap
Magic bagatelle, which protects you and your loved ones against the bad spirits or bad people it is possible to make the burlap. Popular talisman of this material has become a doll "Domovonok". The size of the craft is chosen at will.

Instruction sheet
- To begin, prepare the bag itself. All joints must be good. Drop on the front.
- It is now necessary to make the hand. For this, you can take wires or ribbons woven braids. To the place where should be located the handle, carefully drill holes and insert the braid through them. Now the hands, you need to align and to fix.
- Filling the bag can be a variety of herbs or other load. When the bag is full to the brim, make a knot of his death.
- You can proceed to the manufacturing of hair. They are made from herbs of a brush or string. Attach the hair to the crown of the head with the aid of a thermo-gun.
- Don't forget to domovonku the spout and the lips, and the eyebrows and the beard. The eyes of the doll, you can buy in a store or make with their hands.
- From the dried leaves of corn succeed in building domovoy lapti.
Don't forget to sew domovoy clothing and a hat, and for the savings — several pockets.
Magic of the craft of salt dough
The ancient slavs were the mascots of the salt dough. Manufacture this piece will not be difficult for a beginner:
- It is necessary to take the flour and the salt in a ratio of 2:1. By adding a little water, knead the dough elastic.
- Leave the dough to rest a little. After that, you can shape him the amulet. Popular are figurines of animals, horseshoe or angels.
- When the tutor is ready, place it on for 3 hours in an oven previously pre-heated to 70 degrees.
- Remove the piece, let it cool for a few hours and paint with the gouache.
The amulets of wood
The amulets in the wood are part of the culture of the ancient slavs. For the creation of magical objects, you can use trees of different breeds:
- the birch is known for its healing properties, formerly lapti of its bark to believe that they will help you get rid of rheumatism; when you have used is not only wood, but also leaves, buds, the root;
- the oak is different from a powerful energy, talismans, made from him, подкладывали in the cradle of new-born boys, it was thought that this will help them to develop full strength and health;
- alder helps to strengthen the power of the spirit, to get rid of negative thoughts, learn to take the good decisions; the couple, the guardian of the alder protects against betrayals;
- the hazel symbolizes fertility and contributes to the multiplication of capital;
- the rowan protects against the forces of evil, have been planted near the house, and of the twigs with fruits were hanged in the house.
For the mascot need to choose a healthy tree.
Instruction sheet the amulet:
- Mentally, ask the wood of the permission to take a strand. In leaving beside him a coin, bread or a bit of cereal.
- Bringing a branch of the house, leave it a few weeks for she was accustomed to your home and absorbed its power.
- Sawing of the branches of circle, one side of which a knife or a scalpel to cut the desired character.
- Make a hole, through which it will be possible to go from the lace, or a solid wire.
- To protect the wood from the mascot of the dust and dirt on the surface and apply beeswax or vernissez.
Optional to apply the symbols on the talismans of wood. They work without carved on them the marks.
Magic charms from beresty
From of birch bark in the ancient times were the charm of sharkunok for children, by its shape which reminds one of a rattle. When you shake it to make sounds, which attracted the attention of the children and caused an indescribable joy. Also give it to babies in the period of dentition. During the manufacture of sharkunok is not used glue.
To create a talisman optional remove the bark of the living tree, you can enjoy the berestoy of the wood fire.

Instruction sheet:
- The material, heat that will give it elasticity.
- The bark is cut into strips, with the two parties deal with the vegetable oil for beresta became soft.
- Need to make six of the same size strips.
- The top and bottom of the bands curler 1 cm and then turned on the clasp.
- All the six parties go together.
- For a toy isn't broken, sharkunok need to boil in boiling water for 5 minutes. Prior to this, attach the wire that you want to remove after cooling.
- One day, when a toy-a talisman will dry up, you need to fold over an edge and pile them inside the grain kernels.
To create a talisman need to take berestu of medium thickness. Too thin or thick bark is not suitable.
The mascots of the fur
Long the skin, fur, bones, fangs, and claws of animal are used to create amulets. If the house is still a piece of fur, you can make a beautiful area to "Domovonok":
- Cut a small circle with a diameter of 8-10 see the Edges of the treat.
- Inside, put a small piece of foam and sew them.
- In specialty stores can buy eyes and glue.
- As the spout use the seed.
- On request, you can make the tab.
- From this same fur-do of the leg. Do bands 1,5x4, see Take the lace on the inside of each presser foot invest on one of the sides, and скрепляем glue "Moment".
- At the top of the strap, do the loop, whose mascot will be possible to hang.
- Do the tab and the lace to the inside of the Domovonok.
The mascot of the fur, you can attach them not only at home but in the car.
The amulets of leather
The skin of animals that are highly demanded in the manufacture of amulets. You can do:
- talismans for wearing around the neck;
- bracelets;
- belts;
- the sheath et al.
On the leather on the surface of the method of stamping or pressing is transferred to the character of your choice. The edges of the armor, carefully processed, and at the top is a hole for the lace. Look at these charms beautiful and elegant.
Needles of a porcupine in the magic
The needles of the porcupine is also made different mascots. It is believed that they help protect against the actions of others, learn to enjoy life, despite the difficulties and troubles, as well as become more glad.
The needles of the porcupine, you can make these amulets:
- collar;
- earrings;
- "dreams".
Women have done this, the natural material of love charms and amulets, by screwing the needle into the fabric and hide them under the pillow well-liked.

Keeper of the ring
The ring not only serve as a decoration for your fingers, you can make a talisman. To do this, it is better to buy a new product, inside of which it is necessary to carry the registration. The phrase for the engraving on the ring to opt for discretion.
In ancient times, children were given the names of two: one was known around, the second secret. Secret the name of baby baptism. This has helped to divert the damage or the curse. Often, the parents taught their children the rings of protection, within which there has been a second name.
Charms of the death, of alcoholism, of the prison and his face in his hands
In life often occur in unforeseen situations. Therefore, please take care of the protection of self and loved ones. Amulets, hand-made, as we can not cope with this task.