How and when did money amulets appear: what is their power, how do talismans that attract financial well-being work. What kind of amulets for money are there, what types to choose. How to do it yourself at home, what is needed for this.
3 January 2024
How to make a pendant with your own hands: a master class on creating amulets for luck and money. What talismans will bring happiness to the owner or strengthen his health?
8 December 2021
Today, I'm going to show you how to get a real mascot of good luck and wealth, bearing the force of the correction is positive in the life of an owner, is clear with a setting.
28 September 2018
The recommendations, such as the van amulet of luck. What does it take to activate your mascot?
28 August 2018
Luck is one of the most unpredictable, the phenomena of the life of man. It is impossible to buy or create, that lady, you can just wait and try to keep it close to me for as long as possible.
16 August 2018
In our time, people are asking more and more to the magic. Each has its reason: removal of the eye and spoilage, attract luck, wealth, the desire for a promotion, take advantage of financial success.
10 August 2018